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December 20, 2007


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Sarah Hodsdon

Anna, the boys started blogging again and then lo and behold, they got sick.... such is life. I can't wit to see the tutorial! I just made some copper beads for a project I am working on and I thought to myself, "self, I wished I knew the real way to bead stuff..." Hugs, right back!


Sarah, you and your family are so wonderful! I'm sorry to hear the boys' blog got trashed! I hope they get it up and running again soon!

I should hopefully have a piece (Geometric Gemtones) and how-to article in "Step by Step Beads" in the new year! I am working on the article right now and the editor is also interested in 3 of my other pieces for future how-to articles! It's been a good month!

Hope your new year is the best yet and hug your family for me!

Sarah Hodsdon

Merry Christmas Anna and the most crazy wonderful New Year full of unexpected good things to you! I love Etsy by the way and, I still think you *NEED* to send some of your stuff in to Beadwork or some other publication- your work is FANTASTIC. You are such a shining light to me and my family. The boys are desperate to get their blog up and running again. A family friend has been sifting through the hundreds of thousands of lines of code hackers totalled- hopefully by the New Year they can start fresh and have everything go as planned- seriously, some folks are just so cruel and hackers are not nice when they use their gifts for the dark side....grrr


Your post title really caught my eye as my mother used to say "This too shall pass" whenever I would get frustrated with life, the kids when they were little, the job or whatever.


Hi Sarah,
A very beautiful piece! It is a work of the heart, I have no doubt!

It's been a while, but I wanted to wish you and your adorable family a very Merry Christmas and a new year that brings you nothing but joy! I'd also like to thank you for introducing me to Etsy. I have been having success lately and have joined an amazing group of ladies who have both taught me a lot and inspired me immeasurably! (
So thank you and best wishes!

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